Academic Writing:
“‘Watchmen’ and ‘Hunters’: Reclaiming Black and Jewish Bodies in Contemporary American Superhero Series,” The New Americanist, Vol. 1, No. 5
“Rhetorics & Viruses,” in Philosophy and Rhetoric, “Special Issue: In The Midst of Covid-19,” Vol. 53, No. 3 (co-authored)
“On (Not) Being There” The Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research digital book project, Creating Under Corona
“La Femme Noir: Untranslated and Unread” in LA Review of Books, blog
“Embodying Trauma: The Body as Archive in Jamaica Kincaid’s Annie John and Edwidge Danticat’s Breath, Eyes, Memory”
This essay won a Loyola Marymount University Graduate Library Research Award, Honorable Mention